Creating the right benefit
package for you
Working with small to mid-sized companies across the country, we have successfully created more meaningful, well-rounded, robust benefit packages for happier clients.

About Us
Streamlining benefit education, engagement, and enrollment
Joe McGinty- recognized as one of the “Rising Stars in Advising” by Employee Benefit News in 2019. Benefits are typically a company’s 2nd highest expense behind payroll. We created our firm in order to fill a need for proper education of benefits amongst employers and employees. When benefits aren’t understood or built to work in synergy with one another, the value of the plans plummets- even if they cost a ton!
A well thought out comprehensive benefit package, if done correctly, will enhance every benefit dollar spent- both from the employer and from the employee side. Statistics show that an employee happy with their benefit package is substantially happier at work. Education is the key to an employee being happy with a benefit package.